Infinite XP – PTF v1.0

Infinite XP – PTF v1.0

Infinite XP – PTF v1.0

What does this mod do?
This mod sets the XP multiplier for most (all accessible) skill and stat XP gain actions to 9999. In order to benefit from the XP multipliers, you need to carry out the actions related to the skills (such as jumping, swordfighting, etc.) You can verify this works if when you get in game, you jump once or twice and you’re at 30 vitality.

Does this cover EVERYTHING?
No. This changes values specific to actions like killing or jumping. It covers ALMOST everything, but there are inevitably things which gain you experience which may be missed. If you’re curious, open up the XML and see the names of the values affected. They’re pretty clear what they mean.

To maximize compatibility, this mod ONLY changes these rpg_param values, so it will not conflict with any other mods that don’t touch these specific values.This is what the PTF in the name refers to (Patched Tree Files)

How to install?
Unpack the downloaded file into your ../KingdomComeDeliverance2/Mods folder. If you do not already have a Mods folder, create it.

Want to be a less awesome Henry?
Unzip the mod files, change the values of the XML to your desired level and repack it using the built in Windows zip function (NOT 7zip). Make sure to change the file extension name to pak.


Curious about what makes KCD 2 Mods special? You're in the perfect place to learn. The Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Infinite XP – PTF v1.0 Mod adds extra files that expand your gameplay, offering more choices and unlocking new possibilities.

Useful Information: How to Install KCD 2 Mods | KCD 2 Location | KCD 2 Release Date | KCD 2 System Requirements | KCD 2 News

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