Unlimited FPS Cutscenes v1.0
I modified engine.pak file where is cutscenes.cfg file located and put there “sys_MaxFPS = 0” to unlock fps in cutscenes.
First method:
Just download file (engine.pak) and replace engine.pak in “KingdomComeDeliverance2Engine”
Second method:
1) Go to file “KingdomComeDeliverance2Engine”
2) Rename engine.pak to engine.zip
3) Open engine.zip
4) Go to File “Config/CVarOverrides/” and open Cutscene.cfg
5) In the notepad rewrite sys_MaxFPS =30 to sys_MaxFPS = 0
6) Save file and rename engine.zip back to engine.pak
I donk know what else is store in engine.pak.. i just modified mine and post it here so.. backup your engine.pak and restore it if you have problems and try method 2.