Always-On Dot Reticle for Bows and Crossbows v1.0
This mod adds a persistent dot reticle for bows and crossbows, ensuring the dot is always visible even when it would usually disappear. Perfect for players who want enhanced precision without needing to rely on aiming indicators toggled by gameplay mechanics.
The “Always-On Dot Reticle for Bows and Crossbows” mod is designed to provide consistent aiming assistance for archery enthusiasts in your game. By keeping the reticle always visible, this mod allows you to line up shots with precision, improving your overall gameplay experience.
Key Features:
– Dot reticle is permanently visible for bows and crossbows.
– Helps improve aiming accuracy, especially in fast-paced combat.
– Subtle and non-intrusive design to maintain immersion.
– Compatible with other visual or gameplay mods (depending on setup).
Installation Instructions:
Simply drag and drop the file (user.cfg) into your game’s main directory. If you’re using Steam, the default path is:
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonKingdomComeDeliverance2
Once added, the mod will be active the next time you launch the game.