Jiggle Physics Adjustments v1.0

Jiggle Physics Adjustments v1.0

Jiggle Physics Adjustments v1.0

Adjusts the jiggle of females to have a more jiggle.nThis is rough and not very refined yet. Still learning what all the values do. Please consider this beta. Also, I have only tested a short amount as I have just started playing. I’m not that far so there may be scenes or things that cause issues, please let me know.

To install, unpack the contents of the zip file into the Mods folder of KCD2.

NOTE: If you do not have a Mods folder, you will need to create it.
It should look like the following when installed for Steam version. Other version will be similar.

For those wondering this is the files I have edited. Still figuring out the values

And this one, but I’m unsure how used in the game.

Author: Larilith

Curious about what makes KCD 2 Mods special? You're in the perfect place to learn. The Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Jiggle Physics Adjustments v1.0 Mod adds extra files that expand your gameplay, offering more choices and unlocking new possibilities.

Useful Information: How to Install KCD 2 Mods | KCD 2 Location | KCD 2 Release Date | KCD 2 System Requirements | KCD 2 News

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