Enhanced Particles And Blood v1.3.2
Blood now stays for 15 minutes on the ground and objects, and particles has been increased to create immersion when exploring and leave an impact on the world after a fight.
* Vaxis Blood and Particle mod has been merged.
* Particles has been reworked. (stutters and issues from previous mod has been fixed)
* Wood chips now linger on the ground. (wood sword fights, hitting wooden shields etc)
* Leaves from trees now fall down and stays on the ground.
* Smoke from Player and NPC “guns” has now increased in lifetime.
* Smoke from quenching swords when smithing has been replaced and looks better than vanilla.
* Particles from broken objects also linger in the game world.
* Sparks from torches last a 0,4ms longer.
* Broken objects like arrows, shields now linger longer in the world.
* Chicken feathers linger for longer.
* Blood from fights stay on the ground for a long time.
* Blood emits for longer, making NPC bleed.
* Increased size of splatters.
* Increased duration of splashes.
STEP 1: Uninstall Blood Mod / Particle Mod if you have them installed.
STEP 2: Download the mod and unzip the content.
STEP 3: Place “EBAPMOD” folder in the Mods folder in the games directory.