Auto Hide HUD (beta) v1.0

Auto Hide HUD (beta) v1.0

Auto Hide HUD (beta) v1.0

This mod will auto hide parts (options for stats, pouches, buffs, compass) of the HUD when not in combat or not injured.

Limitation – Read!
⚠️ Unfortunately I still didn’t find a way to trigger the mod properly on save load. If any modder wants to chip in I’d gladly get the help. Similarly would like to find when user click on Pouches action buttons, or when a De/Buff appears.

Workaround for now:
Please configure a binding in your user.cfg as such to active the timers:

bind KEY autohidehud_reset_timers

KEY = a keyboard key, e.g. f2. If you use a controller, use Steam Input and find whatever fits you to trigger a keyboard key (e.g. double press on LB)

If you do not have one, create one in “steam/steamapps/common/KingdomComeDeliverance2”.

And add this to your Steam launch parameters:
-devmode +exec user.cfg

If you want to redisplay your HUD (temporarily until next tick), you can add something like this to your user.cfg , and use Steam Input to bind all those as additional actions for one-specific key if using a Controller. For mouse-keyboards, I am not sure if Steam Input allows custom things like that, you’ll have to probably use some tool to do this.

bind f8 wh_ui_ShowCompass 1
bind f9 wh_ui_ShowStats 1
bind f10 wh_ui_ShowQAMWeapon 1
bind f11 wh_ui_ShowQAMFood 1
bind f12 wh_ui_ShowBuffs 1

– Extract Archive
– Drop content into your KCD2Mods folder (create if not exists)

Editable Settings
In order to change the settings of the mod, after installing it:

– Open the mod dataAutoHideHUD.pak with either Windows Explorer or TotalCommander (use 7zip at your own risk, changes archives formats!)
– Extract the Startupmain.lua file
– Edit the values below as needed
– Put back the edited main.lua file inside the .pak (drag and drop), and replace / overwrite it

— USER Editable
— Edit those values to your need
autohidehud.autohide_stats = true;
autohidehud.autohide_stats_min_health = 0.15;
autohidehud.autohide_buffs = false;
autohidehud.autohide_pouches = false;
autohidehud.timer_period = 1000; — How often it check to show / hide

autohidehud.autohide_compass = true;
autohidehud.autohide_compass_timer_period = 10000; — How often it check to hide

Author: WinterElfeas

Curious about what makes KCD 2 Mods special? You're in the perfect place to learn. The Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Auto Hide HUD (beta) v1.0 Mod adds extra files that expand your gameplay, offering more choices and unlocking new possibilities.

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