


This mod introduces a range of console commands that provide the ability to spawn, teleport, or eliminate NPCs, enable unlimited F5 quicksaves, and execute specified console commands automatically upon game startup. Users can also adjust money, buffs, items, perks, skills, stats, and stolen items. Furthermore, it allows for manipulation of time, weather, and the wanted level, as well as giving the ability to interact with merchants, alter recipes, and access the stash from any location.

1. This is not required but if you want console tab completion run the game with -devmode. See screenshot on how to add -devmode in Steam.
2. Create a Mods folder and then unzip the mod into it. You MUST ensure you have this folder structure after unzipping the mod:
– steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods
– steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods\Cheat
– steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods\Cheat\mod.manifest
– steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods\Cheat\Data
– steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Mods\Cheat\Data\data.pak
3. If you installed the mod correctly it will print out the mod name and current version in the console when the main menu loads.
4. Press the tilde (~) key and use the Page-Up key to scroll the console up.
5. Enabled:

6. Loaded:

– Press the tilde (~) key to open the console.
– Type cheat and press tab (not enter) to see the list of commands.
– You can see the arguments to a command by running the command with a single ? argument.
– For example run “cheat_set_regen ?” to see usage instructions for that command.

Autoexec Cheats
Since some cheats are temporary (they don’t survive game restart) you can add cheat commands to “Scripts\autocheat.lua” inside Mods\Cheat\Data\data.pak.
This file is loaded and executed by Cheat mod when a level loads not when the game loads.

The data.pak file is a ZIP file so just edit the file from inside the zip.

These are the 3 commands are have in my autocheat.lua for testing:
System.ExecuteCommand(“cheat_eval cheat:logSetLevel(cheat.g_cheat_log_level_debug)”)
System.ExecuteCommand(“cheat_set_bow_reticle enable:true”)
System.ExecuteCommand(“cheat_set_regen enable:true state:stamina amount:10”)

Author: Othiden

Curious about what makes KCD 2 Mods special? You're in the perfect place to learn. The Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Cheat Mod adds extra files that expand your gameplay, offering more choices and unlocking new possibilities.

Useful Information: How to Install KCD 2 Mods | KCD 2 Location | KCD 2 Release Date | KCD 2 System Requirements | KCD 2 News

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