ItemID’s v1.0

ItemID’s v1.0

ItemID’s v1.0

Only a few IDs have been tested and there is no guarantee that the ID presented will work. Use at your own risk; there is a slight chance spawning an item could cause issues with the game (i.e. Quest Items.) Be aware there are 17 sheets in the file. The sheets are named based on item class from items.xml.

To spawn an item, make sure you have -devmode enabled – See one of many web pages regarding enabling console commands.
Open the Console.
Enter the command wh_cheat_addItem “ItemID” “Quantity”

NOTE: I have had issues where the quantity value was not used as expected. The syntax of the command may be different in KCD2.

Pages are sorted by the class in items.xml.
Only relevant columns of data have been imported to keep the tables as small as possible.

Author: Vileace

Curious about what makes KCD 2 Mods special? You're in the perfect place to learn. The Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ItemID’s v1.0 Mod adds extra files that expand your gameplay, offering more choices and unlocking new possibilities.

Useful Information: How to Install KCD 2 Mods | KCD 2 Location | KCD 2 Release Date | KCD 2 System Requirements | KCD 2 News

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