This mod introduces additional perks to existing perk lists and introduces new perks for Bow, Polearm, and Unarmed skills. For more comprehensive details, please refer to the Perk Overview article.
Installation Steps:
– Navigate to the Mods folder of your game, typically located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance2\Mods.
– Extract the contents of the perkaholic_.zip file directly into the Mods folder.
– Installation is complete.
Compatibility Information: This mod modifies several files, which may lead to conflicts with other mods that alter the same files. The files affected include:
– buff.xml
– perk_buff.xml
– perk.xml
– perk_buff_override.xml
– perk2perk_exclusivity.xml
– skill.xml
– text_perkaholic.xml
Please be aware of these potential conflicts when using this mod with others that might interact with the same game files.